Hey guys (to the two people reading this), sorry I’ve been m.i.a the last couple of days but I’m sick with what I’m guessing is some form of scurvy and haven’t been able to stare at a screen very well. I figured I should at least fire off a new fashion crush though, so here we are.

My fashion crush this week is a fictional character, but because I want to unzip her skin and wear it around like a fur coat I figured it would qualify. The lady I’m talking about is Penny Lane from the movie Almost Famous. I don’t think you realize how many times in my day I wish I was twirling around topless in my underpants only wearing a fur coat and drinking champagne from a bottle, but its a lot. This has gotten to the point where I can call any of my friends, say “it’s all happening” and hang up. They know exactly what it means and what I’m watching. Of course Penny is played by the amazing and equally as fashionable Kate Hudson. I’m saving her for another day though, because she deserves a fashion crush of her own. Penny Lane manages to do the unachievable, have perfect bohemian curls, amazing makeup, and a 70’s wardrobe to die for… all while living on the road out of hotels with a bunch of rock stars.

So basically, she’s living the dream. Her suitcase has a never ending supply of of perfectly fitting jeans and peasant tops that look comfortable and easy to wear, but still manage to have a touch of sex appeal. She can wear low cut or very short items without looking like she’s giving it away for free. It always comes off as cute and totally approachable. Don’t even get me started on the the fur collared coat that she wears. That coat has spurred on many of my vintage shopping outings. Hours and hours of scouring to find a coat like that to call my own.

To a lot of people Penny Lane may just be a part in a movie, but for me she’s someone that I would love to look like everyday. So, thank you Almost Famous for giving us girls someone so cute and easygoing to watch while dressing her in amazing and accessible fashion.

PS. Don’t ever underestimate me, I totally found the same coat and bought the shit out of it.

xo Stephanie