You’re Doing Great

July 14th, 2022|Life|

Growth can be hard. Change can be hard. But where there is growth and change, there are very important lessons that make us better. They make us stronger. They make us who we are supposed to be.

I personally don’t like change. It freaks me out. Ho

A Change Will Do You Good

March 17th, 2021|Get Inspired, Life|

I don’t know about you, but this last year has been a complete mindfuck for me. I haven’t been working out. I haven’t been watching what I eat, I stopped writing because I just couldn’t find any words, and the book I’m halfway done writing came to a

Stop Apologizing For Your Wild

March 8th, 2021|Life|

I love the women that can show me their wild. The women that wear their hearts on their sleeves without worry of being hurt because they’ve been there before and are comfortable with it. The women that have pasts and bad decisions they don’t run and

Sit Back And Enjoy The Ride

June 15th, 2020|Get Inspired, Life|

I have another birthday coming up soon and it made me think about some things. First of all, I’m ok with getting older. Second of all, I would never want to be in my twenties EVER again. I hear so many people say they would “love to be back in high s

Boost Your Serotonin

May 1st, 2020|Health, Life, The Home|

Serotonin- a chemical that has a wide variety of functions in the human body. It is sometimes called the happy chemical, because it contributes to wellbeing and happiness.

I feel as though more of that right now couldn’t be a bad thing. Here are s

Are We There Yet?

May 1st, 2020|Life, Motherhood|

Well, what a couple of fucking months. I don’t know about you guys, but I am exhausted. Mentally, emotionally, every way. Completely exhausted. I hope you are all healthy. I hope you are all making small changes that will help yours and others safety

Tuesday Ten Two Days Late

March 12th, 2020|Beauty, Fashion, Life, The Home|

Hey guys. Sorry I boned it on this weeks Tuesday Ten but I was having some problems with the site that needed to be looked after. They are now fixed and I’m ready to rock. Here is a look at this weeks ten things that make me happy.

1. Casual polis

Thank You For Being You

March 8th, 2020|Life, Motherhood|

Today is International Women’s Day. What does that mean to you? To me, it means I need to send out some pretty big thank you’s because a lot are due. I try to thank the ladies that I love often, but in case I have missed some over time, I felt as tho

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